Drinking and driving is a horrific combination that can cause injuries, and even death in many cases. The rate of drunk driving is highest amongst 21 to 25 year olds. Dying at such a young age is not worth it; do not drink and drive. Another aspect to the terror of drunk driving is the fact that innocent people may die as a result. Every two minutes, a person is injured in a drunk driving crash, and these people are not always necessarily the ones driving. In 2013, a total of 1,149 children under age 14 were killed in motor vehicle crashes. Out of all these incidents, 200 were in the car of a drunk driver, while 29 were pedestrians who were hit by drunk drivers. The good news is that the number of drunk driving deaths has been cut in half since MADD was founded in 1980. Still, with today's distracting technology, the chances of getting in a drunk driving accident is still significantly high. With alcohol as a primary distraction, and cell phones or radios as another, it is essential to keep a careful eye out when you drive.