Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks Chapter 11-12

HeLa Chapter 11
1)diaphragm(83)-a muscular, membranous or ligamentous wall separating two cavities or limiting a cavity.

2)transfusion(83)-the direct transferring of blood, plasma, or the like into a blood vessel.

3)nauseated(83)-to affect with nausea; sicken.

4)asbestos(83)-a fibrous mineral, either amphibole or chrysotile, formerly used for making incombustible or fireproof articles.

5)calluses(83)-a hardened or thickened part of the skin; a callosity.

6)thrashing(85)-the act of a person or thing that thrashes.

7)convulsed(85)-to cause to suffer violent, spasmodic contractions of the muscles.

8)ward(85)-a division, floor, or room of a hospital for a particular class or group of patients

9)analgesics(85)-a remedy that relieves or allays pain.

10)disoriented(85)-confused as to time or place; out of touch

HeLa Chapter 12
1)obituary(89)-a notice of the death of a person, often with a biographical sketch, as in a newspaper.

2)autopsy(89)-inspection and dissection of a body after death, as for determination of the cause of death; postmortem examination.

3)morgue(90)-a place in which bodies are kept, especially the bodies of victims of violence or accidents, pending identification or burial.

4)pathologist(90)-the science or the study of the origin, nature, and course of diseases

5)incision(90)-a cut, gash, or notch.

6)formaldehyde(90)-a colorless, toxic, potentially carcinogenic, water-soluble gas, CH 2 O, having a suffocating odor, usually derived from methyl alcohol by oxidation: used chiefly in aqueous solution, as a disinfectant and preservative, and in the manufacture of various resins and plastics.

7)uremia(90)-a condition resulting from the retention in the blood of constituents normally excreted in the urine.

8)toxins(90)-any poison produced by an organism, characterized by antigenicity in certain animals and high molecular weight, and including the bacterial toxins that are the causative agents of tetanus, diphtheria, etc., and such plant and animal toxins as ricin and snake venom.

9)catheter(90)-a flexible or rigid hollow tube employed to drain fluids from body cavities or to distend body passages, especially one for passing into the bladder through the urethra to draw off urine or into the heart through a leg vein or arm vein for diagnostic examination.

10)undertaker(91)-funeral director

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