Wednesday, May 20, 2015

NS Career 3-Neurosurgeon

Neurosurgeons examine, diagnose and surgically treat disorders of the nervous system. Training to become a brain surgeon requires a 6-7 year neurosurgical residency following four years of medical school, but qualified brain surgeons receive some of the highest salaries of all medical health professionals. This career is physically and intellectually demanding and requires excellent hand dexterity and hand-eye coordination. Neurosurgeons perform surgery on the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves to remove tumors, relieve chronic pain and treat wounds, vascular disorders and diseases such as Parkinson's and epilepsy. They also use surgery to relieve hydrocephalus, the abnormal build-up of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain. Brain surgeons may focus on the correction of deformities and treatment of diseases of the spinal cord such as degenerative spine disorder and scoliosis. Other areas of sub-specialization include pediatric neurosurgery and radiosurgery, the targeted use of radiation to treat tumors.

In addition to performing procedures, neurosurgeons oversee and coordinate the efforts of large teams of surgeons and nurses in the operating theater. Neurosurgeons interpret results of diagnostic tests such as magnetic resonance imaging, CT scans and PET scans to diagnose patients. Before starting residency training, aspiring neurosurgeons must complete four years of undergraduate school followed by four years of medical school. Neurosurgeons then take 6-7 years of neurosurgical residency training. In the first year, commonly called Post Graduate Year One or the internship year, residents undergo training in basic clinical skills in areas such as trauma and critical care followed by 3-6 months of training in clinical neurology. Over the next six years, residents complete a total of at least 42 months training in core clinical neurosurgery.

The average salary for neurosurgeons is $540,029. Half all neurosurgeons reported that they earned $400,000-$600,000 in 2013. 


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