Wednesday, August 27, 2014

About Me

A little bit about me...

My name is HLSDJHSJDSDJJ and I go to AJJAKSLH High School! I run this blog to post information and assignments for my Anatomy & Physiology class for Ms. HASJKLA. I'm taking this class because it's unlike the other classes offered at school. Of course there's biology and AP biology, but I felt that this class would give me a much more applicable understanding of the human body, which is what will stick with you after all the school year right? This class could also give me more insight as to what 'm going to do after high school. Right now, I don't know much about it. I know I like to work with people, I have strong ethics, and I work hard. But there are so many majors that constitute such traits. As I explore new fields in my education, I'll move closer to what I want to be.

In my free time, I enjoy playing piano and singing, even though I'm not that great at it. I'm trying to read and exercise with more frequency. It is a work in progress. My biggest goal is to become someone who my parents will be proud of, who my brother can look up to, and who would be respected enough to be listened to among my peers. That too, is a work in progress. This blog, too, is a work in progress.

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